Run ICARE. This button launches the ICARE MoM solver. Its progress and some of its outputs will be displayed in a new DOS-like window. All the results displayed in this window are mirrored in the results.txt file (see the Results file).

Note : the computation time can be important. For example a mesh with 7000 metal triangles (a problem size of about 10000 unknowns) requires nearly 15 minutes on a 3 GHz CPU. The required time is then a cubic power of the problem size. as a consequence, using a λ/8 mesh size instead of a a λ/10 mesh may lead to a significantly faster resolution, for a similar result.

The problem size is displayed during the first steps of the computation. The computation time is also estimated :

The expert's tip :

The estimated time is a very rough approximation, since a lot of parameters may increase the computation time (requested outputs, dielectrics, ground plane, etc...). In fact this is just displayed to help you to decide if you should go and take a coffee or start a completely different task.

When a computation is finished, press any button to close the DOS window and to switch back to the user interface. It is then possible to go directly to the post process in order to visualize the results :

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